For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Witcher 3 Save Game Editor?' Finally managed to find the health and stamina hacks for The Witcher 3. HP and Stamina is about 200 million each. Started new game and just go to Advanced Mode and search for your health and stamina. As for data type select 'Float' and when you find your HP and Stamina, replace it with 28 6B EE 4E. See image below:-My starter save file.
Placeholder discussion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I will be filling this out more as I test things with the game files and learn how things work. For now I see no way to compile scripts for mods. The RomFS has cooked scripts which it loads, looking for ways to bypass this issue. The RomFS has the same directory structure as the PC version of. 1) C: Program Files (x86) GOG Galaxy Games The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY bin config base STEAM 2)C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY bin config base And find the configuration file General.ini. Make a back-up somewhere in case something goes wrong(it shouldn't).
This package is a collection of applications which let you edit yourcharacter and maps in savegames ofEschalon Book I,Eschalon Book II,and Eschalon Book IIIby Basilisk Games.
Witcher 3 Save Game Editor Gta San Andreas
Right now it supports the editing of just about everything you'd want to edit, thoughthere's still plenty of values in the file of whose purpose I'm unaware.See the TODO file forinformation on what needs to be done with the appstill, which is quite a bit. TheREADME file should bepretty informative as well. The app is released under theGNU GPL 2.0.
The apps were developed on Linux, and they use Python 2, GTK+, Cairo, andPyGTK to do its stuff. It works on Windows and Mac OS X as well.
Sourcecode, Bug Tracker:Github
(Full sourcecode is also included in the zip/tgz archives)
The Eschalon Savefile Editor used to utilize aproject page as its primary file distribution endpoint, but thatpage has been effectively shut down now.
The app seems stable enough for me, but use your head and keep a backup ofany files that you use this on. Note that most map files have an associatedfile with a '.ent' extension which would need to be backed up as well.Let me know if anything ends upeating your files, because I'd like to fix any bugs which may exist.Just don't get upsetif it does. :) This application should be considered beta software still.
Also, and this should go without saying, this app will certainly allowyou to construct character files and maps which Eschalon never intended tohave in-place. Be aware that if you go crazy with the settings, youcould very well end up with a file that Eschalon can't deal with, orwhich has subtle effects on the gameplay which may not be immediatelyapparent.
This editor is on track to become 'officially endorsed' by BasiliskGames as the tool to use for mod creation in Eschalon Book III.Thisforum post details the current state of mod support in Book III version1.02. Right now all the released mods for Books II and III are distributedin a 'savegame' format, where you start a new game and then copy the modfiles into your save slot. The officially-supported modding mechanism willinvolve using 'global' map files put into a 'mods' directory - see the forumpost for more information about that.
If you end up creating new maps for Eschalon, please do the rightthing and respectBasilisk Games' wishes in regards to custom content:
Witcher 3 Save Game Editor Clicker Heroes
- You cannot sell what you make; it must be free.
- If you put your content up for download anywhere other than the official Basilisk Games forums, you need to have a link that jumps back to the Book I, Book II, or Book III pages, as appropriate.
1.0.1 - released April 15, 2014
Windows EXE: eschalon_utils_1_0_1_setup.exe (sig)sha1sum: ddd3225b4ddcc5e601bb46cf1223ad2ab5c66c27Linux/Source (tgz): eschalon_utils-1.0.1.tar.gz (sig)
sha256sum: fe5b2ce7cc191b87f0b637320c87eb3efaae9d8cd72efe7abac28002176869e8sha1sum: 886d07e95d1ac42bb654542c9dbcb880e58d0feaOSX (dmg): Eschalon Utils 1.0.1.dmg (sig)
sha256sum: 25209e14b903699bdbdcfe7c66d823feaa861b0142a802d8ca9bd61018f9e090sha1sum: fd183f64835b9741ea69cf62b3cc1d035804044aOther (zipfile): (sig)
sha256sum: 66bbae2c526314e29704448e5ad97c730bd227572eedc97aeedf10f7d84decafsha1sum: ef51fd9b487988d6739a6e4d7f86f975cc2616d4Signed sha256 checksums: eschalon_utils-1.0.1-sha256sum.txt.asc
sha256sum: f6f0896c2a3824cd079f64fba37781c39f3afb845c723bf0a1ca00ebb00c8d73(Releases signed by B4ABC956)
Note: The tgz and zip versions of the Book 2 Map Editor requires a couple extra packages to work, see the Installation page for more info. The Windows EXE is unaffected, as are the character editors, and Book 1 map editing.
Known Eschalon Mods
Book I
- Thaermore Revisited, by Jedi_Learner
- Elderhollow Rebuilt, by King_ov_Death (unfortunately there are no actualdownloads available for this mod, though there are some nice-lookingscreenshots)
- Raver Dave's Book I Mod, by raverdave2k
Book II
- Port Kuudad Tower, by raverdave2k
- Treasure of the Orakur, by raverdave2k
Book III
- The Mystery of Rockhammer Mine, by MyGameCompany
- Alchemist's Tower in Moonrise, by Weird Heather
- Small Dungeons - Rockhammer, by Weird Heather
- Expedition into West Mirkland, by MyGameCompany
- The Sanctum, by SpottedShroom
Orion Transfer (specificallySamuel Williams and Hermann Gundel) created a Book 1 character editor for OSX calledGoblin Hacker,which looks real nice, and from a visual perspective, at least, puts myapp to shame. <smile>
Feel free to email me at if you've got questions or concerns. I'm also logged in toirc.libera.chatas the user 'apocalyptech' if you'd prefer that.Alternatively, here's a thread at the Basilisk Forums which I watch.