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Game Fixes are small patches which enable you to patch your game and play your game without the CD in the drive, these Game Fixes are called No-CD patches, the benefit of this is obvious, as you wont need to keep swapping the CD over every time you want to play a different game, it also allows you to place your original CD back in its cover and keep it safe from scratches and damage, and therefore backing up your CD. There are also Game Fixes which remove the movie or video clips from the game. You can also make a backup CD with the Game Fixes, this will allow you to keep a safe copy of your original game CD, and preventing damage to your original CD.
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To extract the files on this site you need the latest most up-to date version of WinRAR to extract the files. To get WinRAR go to For other files you can also useWinAce. To get the latest version of WinAce go to: And you can also use WinZip from