Ibm Sametime

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  2. Ibm Sametime Server
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The single login type mode means that only one login peruser is allowed. When a client attempts to log in to the IBM® Sametime® CommunityServer, the server checks to see if there are any existing loginsof the same user, and disconnects them. Any client on the exclusionlist is not disconnected, which is useful for users who want to runmultiple clients simultaneously.

Welcome to IBM Lotus Sametime. Sametime Instant Messaging. Chat, talk, and send documents across your company. With IBM ® Lotus ® Sametime ®, you can use chat history to find previous online conversations. Enhance your collaboration by including rich text, emoticons, and screen snapshots.

Ibm Sametime Chat

Ibm Sametime

To configure the single login function and exclude certainclient types from qualifying as logins, edit the sametime.ini file.

HCL Sametime Premium (formerly IBM Sametime and IBM Lotus Sametime) is a client–server application and middleware platform that provides real-time, unified communications and collaboration for enterprises. Those capabilities include presence information, enterprise instant messaging, web conferencing, community collaboration, and telephony. IBM Lotus Sametime Connect is a market-leading product for real-time collaboration. Lotus Sametime provides presence awareness, instant messaging, and Web conferencing features that enable people to collaborate in real time, regardless of their physical location. IBM Lotus Sametime software allows you to collaborate and communicate with others in real time. By using Sametime, you can communicate with your peers and teammates with the Sametime Connect client, embedded Sametime integration with Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook e-mail, or on mobile devices like a Blackberry.


  1. Open a text editor on the Sametime Community Server.
  2. Open the sametime.ini file locatedin the Sametime CommunityServer installation directory. For example, the default directoryin Windows™ is C:programfilesibmdomino.
  3. In the Config section, set the followingflag to activate single client login mode:


    Ifthe flag is set to 1 the server works in the singlelogin allowed mode. When a new client login request is received, allthe previous logins are disconnected. Only one client type connectionper computer is allowed at one time (related to client types, notusers).

  4. Specify which client types are notconsidered logins when the server checks whether to accept or disconnectclients. Separate the client types with commas.


    For a list of client types,see Technote 1114318 on the IBM Supportwebsite.

    In the following configuration, even thoughsingle client login mode is activated, logins originating from C++clients and Unified instant messaging clients will not be disconnectedif they have logged in from the Sametime client too.

  5. To access Sametime fromthe IBM Notes® Basic client,update or add these settings as indicated:
    • Reset this setting VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=7000 to VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=6510
    • Add this setting to the [Config] section: ST_MINIMAL_CLIENT_VERSION=6510
  6. Save the sametime.ini file.

The single login type mode means that only one login peruser is allowed. When a client attempts to log in to the IBM® Sametime® CommunityServer, the server checks to see if there are any existing loginsof the same user, and disconnects them. Any client on the exclusionlist is not disconnected, which is useful for users who want to runmultiple clients simultaneously.

To configure the single login function and exclude certainclient types from qualifying as logins, edit the sametime.ini file.

Ibm Sametime Server


IBM Lotus Sametime 8 Essentials

IBM Lotus Sametime 8 Essentials

Ibm sametime 9

Videos For Ibm Sametime

  1. Open a text editor on the Sametime Community Server.
  2. Open the sametime.ini file locatedin the Sametime CommunityServer installation directory. For example, the default directoryin Windows™ is C:programfilesibmdomino.
  3. In the Config section, set the followingflag to activate single client login mode:


    Ifthe flag is set to 1 the server works in the singlelogin allowed mode. When a new client login request is received, allthe previous logins are disconnected. Only one client type connectionper computer is allowed at one time (related to client types, notusers).

  4. Specify which client types are notconsidered logins when the server checks whether to accept or disconnectclients. Separate the client types with commas.


    For a list of client types,see Technote 1114318 on the IBM Supportwebsite.

    In the following configuration, even thoughsingle client login mode is activated, logins originating from C++clients and Unified instant messaging clients will not be disconnectedif they have logged in from the Sametime client too.

  5. To access Sametime fromthe IBM Notes® Basic client,update or add these settings as indicated:
    • Reset this setting VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=7000 to VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=6510
    • Add this setting to the [Config] section: ST_MINIMAL_CLIENT_VERSION=6510
  6. Save the sametime.ini file.