A number of obsolete camera models can be operated by MaxIm DL; however, the drivers are no longer included as part of the standard installation. The installer for these drivers can be downloaded from https://diffractionlimited.com/down/MaxImDLObsoleteDrivers.exe
These drivers are not actively maintained, and only limited technical support is available for them.
Parallel Port and ISA Bus Equipment
Jul 16, 2021 I have one of the old meade usb lpi cameras, and the old meade dsi camera. Meade s lpi device is unable to recognize in windows 7. Meade lpi driver i want a meade lpi driver, as i cant use the imager, can anyone help please. To add versatility to sit down with the same day. Auto-guiding support is only available on microsoft loi. Meade Instruments is acknowledged as one of the most innovative and dynamic companies in the telescope market. Mac os x mavericks install dmg download. Known for its groundbreaking telescopic designs, Meade has introduced dozens of improvements over.
All parallel port and ISA bus hardware is no longer supported.

I need software (driver) for meade camera binoculars. Manual says that I must download Ulead Photo Express. When I do the site I used downloads things I don't want and I still can't get my camera to work on my PC. Driver Update for Imaging Source USB 2.0 Cameras: FlipView Software - Windows Menu: FlipView Software - Windows Setup: Flipview Software for Mac Devices: Hand Control Firmware Updates: Hot Pixel Removal Tool: iCap 2.4 Camera Control Software: Italian To Spanish Fix: Micro Capture Pro Software - Mac Version 2.3.2 Updated 6/15/13. Application software for astronomy cameras. For The Imaging Source cameras only. Camera driver must be installed first. Intel Core i3 or similar, 2 GB RAM. Graphics card with 24 or 32 bit. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 & 64 bit), Windows 10 (32 & 64 bit) DirectX 9.0c or higher.

All SBIG models that use Ethernet or USB interfaces are supported using the SBIG Universal driver, regardless of whether they are currently manufactured.
There are a number of obsolete SBIG camera models that used serial interfaces for communications. The following models are supported: SBIG ST-4 (excluding ST-4X), ST-5, ST-6, and STV. It may be possible to operate Celestron PixCel 255 and 237 cameras via the ST-5 driver.
Meade Usb Camera Drivers Download
Starlight Xpress
Meade Usb Camera Driver
Please note that all Starlight Xpress USB 1.1 cameras can be operated using the standard SX Universal driver instead, if the newer Universal firmware is first loaded into the camera using the Hex Manager. We strongly recommend using the SX Universal driver instead of the legacy drivers.
I installed the driver for the PC camera, when I tried to run the software - Start, All Programs, USB 2.0 Camera, I do not get 'Meade PC Camera' as an option. I get PCCam. It works but does not have any of the user interface indicated in the Instruction Manual. i.e. Camera settings of Daytime, Nighttime, Moon/Ploanet, or Snapshot/Video options. I uninstalled it (maybe it was a previous PC Camera) then reinstalled the software from the DVD. Same result. Also, the drive is dated 1997. Any suggestions?