Rockchip Batch Tool has become the best IMG firmware flashing tool that helps you android Rockchipset mobile or tablet, You will upgrade the firmware any android system with PC computer. So Rockchip allows you to use a firmware upgrade of your Android mobile or tablet phones without any restrictions.
Run the Rockchip Batch Tool and click on the “” to choose file with firmware. If you did everything correctly and the driver is installed on your computer, you will see green light on one of the indicators. Now click the “Upgrade” button to the firmware of the device. After circuit and attaching to host PC, Android tool will show you message in progress bar: Found one maskrom device. Then start upgrade. The reflashing process should run several steps. You also can use Batch tool for this action. Device indication should turn blue instead of green for maskrom mode.
If you ever were already searching for the Rockchip Tool for your Rockchipset phones, then these pages might be extremely helpful to you actually. Here the direct download Rockchip tool link for the latest version.
Rockchip Tool Download all versions
RockChip v1.8
RockChip v1.7
RockChip v1.5
Flashing with Computer has become the best Rootkitset tool that helps you firmware upgrade a android set, You will Flash the android devices with your computer. So Rockchip Batch Tool can detect multiple devices automatically. upgrade firmware file for Android devices. if you don’t have one (1), it differs from each Rockchipset devices.
1. Download RockChip on your PC (Download link are available).
2. Save and extract.
3. Install RKBatchTool exe on your computer.
4. Download and Install ADB Driver.
5. Open, RKBatchTool.
6. Click FW Path (right side)
7. Select and added the firmware file, RockChip will load it.
8. Turn Off your mobile or tablet.
9. Volume UP Key Press and Hold on your android devices and connect it to the PC with USB cable.
10. Icon 1 turns Green Color then release the Volume UP Key.
11. Click, Restore Button to begin the Firmware flash process (5-6 minutes).
12. Flashing is completed then open Message Restore Done Success.
13. Reboot your device.
Failed!!!! RKBatchTool flashing Failed, in this problem relaunch RKBatchTool a second time and select the same flashing method and exploit.
Mac os x 10.11 download dmg. * Others Tools: If you are searching for the Others Chipset Devices flash tool, Then downlod MTK devices Imei tool SN Write Tool pages.
!! Important !!
If you use RockChip for PC to Flashing your Android mobile, then your personal data including Contacts, Applications and etc Loss Process.
Make a backup of your devices.
Be careful Read and then do it.
We will not responsible if you make any/all mistake or bricked your mobile or tablet.
Credits: Fuzhou Rockchip Inc.

Rockchip Batch Tool Loading Firmware Failed
If you have problems with standard reflashing options, or your device had bricked
Rockchip Batch Tool V1.7
IMPORTANT: users can perform further manipulations only at their own risk, and only if all other reflashing options can’t help.
This option can help if your device got soft or hard bricked. If you want try to reflash your device for the first time please check THIS article
What you need:
Image file
Host PC
Supported host OS: Windows XP (32/64bit) Windows 7 (32/64bit) Windows 8 (32/64bit) Windows 10 (32/64bit)

The first thing you need is to download the archive with firmware. Inside archive, you find:
BatchTool or Android Tool - tool for reflashing
DriverAssitant - tool to install drivers and firmware image file
Firmware image
All actions before reflashing are the same with the
Launch RK DriverAssitant and press “Install Driver”.
Apply all changes and warnings during installation until finishing message
Maskrom mode is reflashing way, when you block reading data from NAND using hardware short circuit of NAND pins.
1. Open device housing and detect NAND (is standalone chip with 48 pins on two sides) on PCBA. In some boxes you also need detached heatsink or cooler in order to reach NAND
2. Place PCBA in front of you so you can clearly read NAND’s name and board number
3. You should choose 6th-7th or 7th-8th pin from NAND bottom on the right side or 6th-7th or 7th-8th pin from first pin (first pin is marked on PCBA with a point or ) and circuit it during plugging to Host PC and powering on (check pin sequence for other devices very clearly)
Ugoos UM3 example
Ugoos UT3s example
Ugoos UT4 example
After circuit and attaching to host PC, Android tool will show you message in progress bar: Found one maskrom device.
Then start upgrade. The reflashing process should run several steps
You also can use Batch tool for this action. Device indication should turn blue instead of green for maskrom mode.
There are photos of several well spread NAND chips and circuit schemas:
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