So what is 'Bare Metal' anyways?
There are two flavors of EVE-NG: Community and PRO. Both share the same list of supported images, but the differences are mostly about features. While I believe Community edition will be suitable for most people – I’ve used it for a while -, the reason I went with PRO edition is literally one feature: Hot Linking. The much anticipated Professional edition of EVE-NG has arrived. The price of this product is $121.53 per year. The following is the information about the product from the staff at EVE-NG: “The EVE-NG PRO platform is ready for today’s IT-world requirements. It allows enterprises, e-learning providers/centers, individuals and group collaborators to create virtual proof of concepts. GNS3 vs Eve-ng If you are interested in network project, test devices, and certification issues, you may heard about network emulators. You can start your journey using Cisco packet tracer, however, after a while you will realize that it is not enough to play with different types of network devices. Download Cisco ASAv. Upload to Eve-NG. Request and addition of the License. Download Cisco ASAv – asav952-204.qcow2. If you have access to Cisco Website you can download Cisco ASAv directly or if you do not have access- no worries my friends find below direct link to download – Only for education Purpose.
Bare metal refers running software directly on computer hardware. In a server application, we need to make a distinction between applications are installed directly onto the server and those that are installed on a hypervisor.
A Hypervisor is software that can virtualize operating systems and other platforms. There are two types of Hypervisor; Type 1 and Type 2.
A Type 1 Hypervisor is said to be run directly on bare metal. Applications like VMWARE ESXi are type 1 hypervisors.
A Type 2 Hypervisor runs on top of an operating system, such as Windows 10. Oracle Virtual Box is a free type 2 hypervisor.
When we run our application directly on bare metal, we are giving it full access to all the resources of the server. All CPU cores, storage medium, and RAM. There is no software layer between your application and the components of the server, which gives way for far better stability and performance.
Now, depending on the application itself, it may make sense to deploy it on a virtual server built on a hypervisor or containerize it using Docker. However when you are running an application like EvE-NG, which in essence is a hypervisor itself, it is highly recommended to install this directly onto your server, depending on a variety of factors such as:
- Your homelab budget
- Your lab needs (project complexity, number of nodes running, et cetera).
Since I want the utmost performance that I can achieve using the server that I have purchased, I wanted to install the EvE-NG directly onto the server, with no software layer or hypervisor limiting my performance.
STEP 1 - Ubuntu Server Installation
The first step is to download the following EvE-Pro image file. Once this file is downloaded, you'll need a USB drive with at least 4 GB of memory.
Next, you will need software than can write this .iso file onto the USB thumb drive. For Windows 10, I suggest using Etcher.
Once the USB drive is prepared, insert it into an available USB port on your target machine.
NOTE: You may need to enter the system bios and enable booting from USB.
Once you boot the system onto the USB, follow the prompts to install EVE PRO on Bare Metal.
Once the installation is complete you can remove the USB drive and log into the CLI of your new Ubuntu 18.04 server installation.
Next, login using the account you created during the install. Once logged in, run the following commands to change the root password.
Enter the new root account password, confirm it and you have successfully reset the root account password. From here, be sure to use the root account for all the upcoming installation steps.
To enable SSH access using the root account, you need to change the SSH configuration file. To do this, enter the following commands:
Once inside the Nano text editor, set the following attribute
To save your changes use ctrl+o, then use ctrl+x to exit the editor. Once this is saved, restart the SSH service with the following command:
You should now have EVE-PRO fully installed.
STEP 2 (optional) - Install EvE-NG PRO on top of Ubuntu 18.04 (If the ISO doesn't work)
Next, we need to install EvE-NG PRO on our Ubuntu 18.04 server. We will download and run an install script found in the repository using the wget command.
As the root user, run this command to download and execute the install script.
Once the script is complete, we will update, upgrade and reboot our server.
After the reboot, install EvE Dockers.
EvE-NG uses an alias on the docker command, dc. Check to see the images installed.
You should see several dockers installed:
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eve-gui-server, eve-wireshark, eve-firefox, eve-desktop, dockergui-rdp.
I hope this article helps anyone looking to install EvE-NG Pro on bare metal. This process should also work installing into a VM such as VMWARE Workstation / ESXi or in the cloud, but running EvE on bare metal is the recommended and preferred way to experience the pure awesomeness and raw power of the software.
Also, don't forget to support the creator of this amazing platform and the EVE team by purchasing a PRO License.
Alternatively, try the Community version.
Happy Labbing!
Tory H. Davenport
For Network, Security and DevOps
For Network, Security and DevOps
For Network, Security and DevOps
For Network, Security and DevOps
For Network, Security and DevOps
EVE-NG Professional Edition:
EVE-NG PRO platform is ready for today’s IT-world requirements. It allows enterprises, e-learning providers/centers, individuals and group collaborators to create virtual proof of concepts, solutions and training environments.
EVE-NG PRO is the first clientless multivendor network emulation software that empowers network and security professionals with huge opportunities in the networking world. Clientless management options will allow EVE-NG PRO to be as the best choice for Enterprise engineers without influence of corporate security policies as it can be run in a completely isolated environment.
EVE Professional Edition: 4.0.1-56 EVE-NG Professional (27 July 2021) Release notes link |
Upgrade notes: If you are upgrading your EVE PRO or EVE LC form Versions 3.0.1-16 or later, please follow the link below: If you are upgrading your EVE PRO or EVE LC form Versions or earlier, please Contact to the EVE Live Helpdesk: |
EVE-NG Professional/Learning Center Cookbook |
EVE-NG PRO/LC Cookbook version 4.13 (25 July, 2021) Download link EVE PRO/LC Cookbook Section updates: 14.1.3 Docker custom MAC address for interfaces 15.7.3 Cluster management |
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Some Features:EVE brings You the power You need to mastering your network within multivendor environment designing and testing.
Eve-ng Pro Installation
EVE-NG-PRO Emulation Software