Lost: Via Domus was part of the last era of the tie in video game to a movie or TV show. I was obsessed with the Lost TV show and even now I would have to put it in my top ten shows of all time. So, when I heard that there was a Lost video game coming out I knew that this was going to be a day one purchase for me.
Who Am I?
LOST: Via Domus Walkthrough v1.1 Written by JmeHatesYou -Intro- This is a spoiler-free walkthrough. I do not describe the cutscenes, plot, or discussions whenever avoidable. This is a complete walkthrough of the game, including all 30 Xbox 360 Achievements.
- Find the game folder on steam Steam install drive:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Lost Via Domus/installers/PhysX 2. In that folder you run the PhysX7.11.13SystemSoftware.exe file. After the installer is finished, you can now play the game.
- LOST was one of the better shows on TV. It had action, adventure, mystery, and great characters. LOST: Via Domus has all of the above, just on a slightly smaller scale. The game begins with the main character waking up in the jungle.
Let me start by saying that you simply have to be a fan of the TV show to enjoy this game. A huge reason for this is that the story the game tells is amazing. Lost: Via Domus takes place between seasons 1 and 2 of the show and you play as a character who is not from the show. Instead, you crash on the island with the rest of the gang, but you have lost your memory. The goal of the game is to find out who you are and what is going on with this strange island.
While you are playing as a character who is not on the show. You interact with all of the main cast. So, Jack, Kate, Locke and more are all here and you get to deal with them all. The character models are great and still hold up. I feel the locations are decent enough too, but the voice acting lets things down as they were not able to get all of the major actors to reprise their roles.
Watch Out For The Smoke!
The gameplay of Lost: Via Domus I feel is quite interesting. Look, I will fully admit that as a massive fan of the show I was able to overlook many of the downfalls that this game has. However, I feel that as a TV tie in-game it is pretty solid. You actually have a lot of things to do. You will need to explore the island, talk to other survivors, find items, manage items and even partake in a few mini game type situations. There is even a run-in with the smoke monster!I could overlook the invisible walls, the limited options when it comes to speaking to people. However, one area that drove me nuts was the caves. Exploring the caves is a massive and I mean massive chore. This section of the game is so annoying that had it not been in the game I would have probably scored it a whole point higher!
One of the coolest aspects of the gameplay is something right from the show. Each character in Lost gets a flashback so we can see what led them to the island. This is the same for the character you play as.
Not only is this a great way for the story to move forward. You are also tasked with taking a certain picture each time this happens. I thought this was a really cool gameplay mechanic and some of the flashback sequences were really challenging.
Is Lost: Via Domus a perfect game? No, it is most certainly is not. However, I feel for a TV show tie in game, Lost The Video Game is pretty damn faithful to the TV show. I know that they could not get all of the actors to reprise their roles, but the story does feel like something that you could have been watching on TV. If you are a fan of the show, I am 100 percent certain you will be able to overlook the games flaws and have a good time with it.
- The game has the feel of the show
- I liked interreacting with my favorite characters
- The flashback sections are very clever
- When the smoke monster is chasing you it is very scary!
- Many different gameplay styles
Lost Via Domus Video Game
- The section in the cave nearly ruins the entire game!
- They could not get all of the actors to lend their voices to the game
Reviewed by Yuri Storchak
Adventure. You awake to the blazing sun, the screaming of other passengers, the wreckage of Oceanic flight 815. And no memory of what has happened. Now you must fight for your survival by exploring the island, uncovering its dark secrets, and piecing together the fragments of your own furtive past. If you're lucky, you may just find a way home...Lost Via Domus 2
Lost Via Domus Ps3
Lost Via Domus Video Game