Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine

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  6. Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine 1
ON the next Aquarium update will the Zappa Mexico problem not being able to play be fixed.

Feb 02, 2005 Zappa, Zap!Chess or Zappa Mexico, is a UCI chess engine written by Anthony Cozzie, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The program emphasizes sound search and a good use of multiple processors. Earlier versions of Zappa are free (though not open-source software) and the current version (Zappa Mexico) is available at Shredder Computer Chess.1. Zappa Mexico used to score only 30% against Rybka. This is now up significantly in 5 3. After 400 games Zappa now scores 36.7%. Hardware used is 4.4 Ghz Quadcore at 16 0 and 3.2 Ghz Quadcore for the 5 3 match.

I can use Zappa Mexico 2 in play mode etc
But not for analysis or engine-engine play, the two things most probably would want to use it for. At least it is this way on many user's systems. Aquarium doesn't like it much. Shredder's SMK inferred it is an Aquarium UCI issue, not a Zappa UCI issue. Zappa works fine in Shredder Classic or the Chessbase interfaces (incl the Rybka3 interface).
BySilvianDate 2008-08-29 07:06Edited 2008-08-29 07:12
One problem seems to be the support for UCI 2 protocol. Also Chess Tiger 2007 UCI don't work for me in Aquarium ! But we must speak in a lower voice. Christophe Theron listen to us ! :):):)

> The problem seems to be the support for UCI 2 protocol

Yes, seems so. :-)
Sorry but for me Zappa Mexico 2 works fine
BySilvianDate 2008-08-29 08:21Edited 2008-08-29 08:27
Nobody can explain yet this situation .
For the most of people Zappa Mexico II don't work on Aquarium !
NB: 1.did you use an autodetect installation or a manual UCI installation ? you have the TBs linked or not ?
3. did you use the verify feature at installation or not ?
4.for you-priority is in low status or not ?
5.I see you have a 64 bit OS, for mine only 32 bit.
Thank you !
i guess the problem is for developers to find a computer that Zappa will not run in Aquarium, since its hard to fix something is running (if it can be fixed from Aquarium side)
Here runs fine.
Mysteries .....

> 1.did you use an autodetect installation or a manual UCI installation ?


> you have the TBs linked or not ?


> 3. did you use the verify feature at installation or not ?

No. Didnt have to (it verifies automatically)
All I did was put the engines I wanted into a folder and then pasted that into the Aquarium directory. I then chose to add engines from a folder option and they all installed with no problems.
TB,s are linked ... I did not use the verify feature erm to be honest I never even noticed that
All my engines are set to Low priority
I do not have any 32 bit system computers at hand to test if that makes a difference
The trick works !
Thank you a lot BigBen !
I think Convekta must add this procedure in FAQ.
Thank you again !
so you mean the only difference is that the engine now is in the Engine folder inside Aquarium and previously it was not?
Hmmm if this is the case, then it should be an Aquarium problem
As you can see in the pic I created a folder called `other engines` in which I had put zappa, cyclone, R2.3.2a, R2.1c, Toga .... and then used the install from folder option and guided to that folder
Yes i got that. My question was if Silvian the only he changed (and now Zappa works) is putting engines in a folder INSIDE aquarium folder.
Were some discussions here:
Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engineering

This doesn't explain things, unfortunately.
One possible explanation is that Aquarium handles the engine with an absolute path (rather than relative) incorrectly. But why only Zappa?
Are you sure that this works? Can you play or analyze with it?
I followed the steps showed, but they worked partially . Partially, because when I try to play against ZII a windows proccess error appears telling that ZII generated an error.
Also, I can not even load Shredder 11 (Deep and Single processor versions).
Load ( Deep ) Shredder 11 like UCI engine ; after that push the 'Verify' button.All is OK with this engine ( deh-SMK is one of the UCI protocol's father ).
The BigBen's procedure for Zappa Mexico II works very well for me ( I use this engine only for analysis & test tournaments ).
This procedure had no effect here. Just FYI.
ByDadi JonssonDate 2008-09-03 22:50Edited 2008-09-03 23:00

> Shredder's SMK inferred it is an Aquarium UCI issue, not a Zappa UCI issue.

I had a look at this and in fact it is Zappa that is not following the UCI standard. What crashes various Zappa versions (on some systems) is the UCI command:
setoption name MultiPV_cp value 0
Zappa doesn't recognize the MultiPV_cp option and according to the UCI standard it should ignore the command. Instead Zappa crashes (sometimes, on some systems). Now that the reason is known the Aquarium developers will be able to do something about it :)
Edit: Of course you can InBetween, Odd Gunnar's excellent program, to get around this problem.

> Now that the reason is known the Aquarium developers will be able to do something about it :-)

Ahh, the irony of Aquarium forcing UCI compliance onto Zappa! :-P
Thanks much for running this to ground - and the InBetween tip. I'm sure many are very appreciative.
I've downloaded Inbetween and installed it in my Zappa directory.
But unfortunately it doesn't work as expected and the crash doesn't disappear. As I understand the documentation I have to create a Inbetween.ini file, but what should it look like. Of course there has to be an entry like
CommandLine := ZapMexII.exe
but the is not sufficient.
What else have to be entered here?
You have to use the translator to remove some strings.
I don't have Zappa but if the only string that cause trouble is the above mention string you should add:

setoption name MultiPV_cp value 0 :=

to the inifile.
This will replace this string with an empty string.
Other translations that are possible (Client=GUI, Server=Engine) is
;Change a response from the engine
; Auto response on a GUI command. Ex. Fool the GUI to think a WBI engine is a WB2 engine and enable setboard instead of edit.
; Auto resonse on a engine answer.
Odd G.
Thnx - everything works fine now. :-)
You are extremely valuable person, Odd Gunnar! :)
Unfortunately, some engines are not fully UCI-compliant, so we get these bugs. We fix those of them that are relevant to Rybka's UCI handling, but we can't fix everything. InBetween is very helpful in this case.
The 'folder' suggestion didn't do a thing for me, but Odd Gunnar's InBetween and the above text in it's ini file work like a champ for me. A thousand thanks, Odd Gunnar! :-)
I dont understand the steps to make InBetween translate for Aquarium Zappa-Mexico-engine. Can someone exxplain step by step, please.
What is the full contens of the inifile? Which procedur to start first InBetween and than aquarium? Do have to rename client2Server in Aquarium or zappa or leave it as it is?
Try this:
1) put ZappaMexicoII.exe (or whatever you call it) in a directory
2) put the program InBetween.exe in the same directory
3) create the text file 'InBetween.ini' with a text editor - also in the same directory.
4) put this text in the ini file (between the dashed lines):
CommandLine := ZappaMexicoII.exe
setoption name MultiPV_cp value 0 :=

5) Save the file and exit
6) Go to Engines in Aquarium
7) Click 'Add'
8) navigate to 'InBetween.exe' Select and install it as if it is an engine (because it is).
9) For the 'engine name' you can rename it in the 'engine' column window in Aquarium to something more memorable (like 'ZMexII-InBetwn'). Just so you can remember what it is two years from now. Or leave it 'InBetween'. Up to you.
Should work.
Thank you very much. Now everything is working fine!
Great! :-)
TopicRybka Support & Discussion / Aquarium / Zappa Mexico II

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Home * Engines * Zappa

Frank Zappa[1]
Zappa mexico ii chess engine

an UCI compliant chess program developed by Anthony Cozzie. Zappa won the WCCC 2005 in Reykjavík, and after the Rybkadisqualification in 2011 the WCCC 2007 in Amsterdam, the DOCCC 2005 and CCT7.During the World Chess Championship 2007 in Mexico City, September 2007, Zappa played a match versus Rybka and scored 5.5 / 10 to win the match [2][3][4] . Zappa's book authors for different events were Arturo Ochoa (CCT7) and Erdogan Günes[5] .

  • 4Program Internals
  • 9Forum Posts
  • 10External Links

Anthony Cozzie before round 7, Zappa - Junior, WCCC 2005[7]

Zappa Team, Anthony Cozzie and Erdogan Günes, Closing Dinner WCCC 2006, Turin

Zappa is not directly named for Frank Zappa, but from a scene from Austin Powers 2, where Dr. Evil's base in the moon is divided in two units: Moon Unit Alpha and Moon Unit Zappa - the latter being the name of Frank Zappa's daughter, Moon Unit Zappa[8] .

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Game

Immediately after the successful WCCC 2005, there were plans to commercialize Zappa. First attempts with Vincent Diepeveen involved failed [9] . In April 2006 [10] , a commercial version dubbed Zap!Chess running under the Fritz GUI was released by ChessBase. The version which played the Rybka match, Zappa Mexico, is distributed by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen.

Quote from No Commercial Potential : The Saga of Frank Zappa (1972) by David Walley, p. 4 [11][12][13] :

Jawaka Information is not knowledge

Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is the best

Board Representation

Zappa utilizes bitboards and uses rotated bitboards to generate sliding attacks on the fly. Anthony once experimented with incremental updatedattack tables, which was a win on 32-bit systems [14] .

Hash Collisions

Excerpt from The Effect of Hash Signature Collisions in a Chess Program, that is Crafty and Zappa [15] :

Singular Extensions

Zap!Chess, the commercial ChessBase version, has an implementation of Singular Extensions, the famous Deep Blue search algorithm. They are disabled by default, but they increase the tactical strength of the program at the cost of positional strength [16] .

Parallel Search

Zappa was designed to run on multiple processors and massive parallel systems using shared memory and threads and has an efficient parallel search[17] . Zappa Mexico can be used on Windows or Linux computers with up to 512 CPU cores.

In March 2008 Anthony Cozzie announced that 'the Zappa project is 100% finished', which includes both tournaments and future releases [18] .

In 2010, Zach Wegner started to work with Anthony Cozzie, who, still in computer chess retirement, has given control for further development of his massive parallel program, now called Rondo, to Zach [19][20] .

  • The Editor (2005). ZAPPA Wins the Computer-Chess Tournament 7. ICGA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2 » CCT7
  • Robert Hyatt, Anthony Cozzie (2005). The Effect of Hash Signature Collisions in a Chess Program. ICGA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3
  • Anthony Cozzie (2007). Zappa vs. Rybka. ICGA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4
  • Monty Newborn (2011). Beyond Deep Blue: Chess in the Stratosphere. Springer, ISBN-13: 978-0857293404, amazon
Chapter 9: 2005: Zappa Red Hot at 13th WCCC, page 119
Chapter 14: 2007: Zappa Upsets Rybka in Mexico City, 5.5–4.5, page 169


Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Free

  • Zappa CCT5 Report by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, January 21, 2003 » CCT5


  • Zappa @ CCT6 by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, February 01, 2004 » CCT6
  • The Zappa Attack Table Code by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, May 05, 2004

2005 ...

  • Zappa 1.0 released by Volker Pittlik, CCC, February 22, 2005
  • Zappa - TCB 1-0 by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 14, 2005 » WCCC 2005
  • Sjeng-Zappa by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 14, 2005
  • FUTE-Zappa by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 15, 2005
  • Zappa=Fruit live by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 15, 2005
  • Zappa - Jonny 1-0 by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 16, 2005
  • The Baron - Zappa 0-1 by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 18, 2005
  • Zappa - Junior by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 19, 2005
  • Zappa-Isichess by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 19, 2005
  • Shredder-Zappa by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 20, 2005
  • Zappa - Crafty by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 20, 2005
  • Diep-Zappa by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 21, 2005
  • Zappa scaling #s by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 23, 2005
  • Zappa web update & a few other things by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 27, 2005
  • Zappa commercial and available in september by Thomas Logan, CCC, August 27, 2005
  • Re: Zappa Retail: No UCI? by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, September 04, 2005
  • Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES by Gian-Carlo Pascutto, CCC, September 04, 2005
  • I will not buy Zappa and Sjeng by Sandro Necchi, CCC, September 06, 2005
  • Zappa 1.1 by Ernst Walet, CCC, September 14, 2005
  • Re: what do we know about zappa by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, December 12, 2005
  • Zappa Hardware Upgrade by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, December 23, 2005
  • Zappa Report by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, December 30, 2005 » IPCCC 2005 b
Re: Zappa Report by Ingo Althöfer, CCC, December 30, 2005 [21]


  • Zappa? by James T. Walker, CCC, January 27, 2006


  • Zappa Mexico UCI going commercial by Kaj Soderberg, CCC, September 09, 2007
  • Zappa V Rybka Mexico 2007 - Zappa wins 5.5-4.5 - The Games by Harvey Williamson, Hiarcs Forum, September 27, 2007

2008 ...

  • bad news from zappa ... by Powell, CCC, Mar 09, 2008

2010 ...

  • info about zappa on 512 cores ? by Daniel Shawul, CCC, June 23, 2012
  • Threads-Test - SF, Zappa, Komodo - 1 vs. 2, 4, 8, 16 Threads by Andreas Strangmüller, CCC, May 04, 2014 » Thread, Stockfish, Zappa, Komodo
  • Threads factor: Komodo, Houdini, Stockfish and Zappa by Andreas Strangmüller, CCC, May 17, 2014 » Thread, Komodo, Houdini, Stockfish, Zappa

2015 ...

  • Empirical results with Lazy SMP, YBWC, DTS by Kai Laskos, CCC, April 16, 2015 » Lazy SMP, YBWC, DTS
  • What is the secret of Zappa? by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, September 11, 2016

Zappa Chess

  • The chess games of Zappa (Computer) from
  • World Computer Chess Champion: Zap!Chess, ChessBase News, April 13, 2006
  • Man vs Machine, Zap!Chess vs Erwin L'Ami 1-1 by Eric van Reem, ChessBase News, March 08, 2007 [22] » Jos Uiterwijk
  • Zappa Mexico II available now from


Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Download

  • (3834) Zappafrank (Planet)
  • Frank Zappa - The Ocean Is the Ultimate Solution (1979), YouTube Video
lineup: Frank Zappa, Patrick O'Hearn, Terry Bozzio, George Duke, Bruce Fowler, Chester Thompson, Ruth Underwood

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Youtube

  1. Frank Zappa, Records on wheels, Toronto, September 24, 1977, Frank Zappa - Wikimedia Commons
  2. WM Mexiko-City 2007: 108 Bilder, Namen, Themen, kommentiert, ... (German) Chess Tigers News October 08, 2007
  3. Zappa fillets the Fish: Mexico 2007 by Anthony Cozzie
  4. Anthony Cozzie (2007). Zappa vs. Rybka. ICGA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4
  5. Zappa Chess Engine
  6. By Gerd Isenberg
  7. Zappa - Junior by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 19, 2005
  8. Zappa Chess Engine - Genealogy
  9. Re: Zappa Retail: No UCI? by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, September 04, 2005
  10. World Computer Chess Champion: Zap!Chess, ChessBase News, April 13, 2006
  11. No Commercial Potential: The Saga Of Frank Zappa
  12. Frank Zappa - Wikiquote
  13. No Commercial Potential: The Saga of Frank Zappa - Zappa Wiki Jawaka
  14. The Zappa Attack Table Code by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, May 05, 2004
  15. Robert Hyatt, Anthony Cozzie (2005). The Effect of Hash Signature Collisions in a Chess Program. ICGA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3
  16. World Computer Chess Champion: Zap!Chess, ChessBase News, April 13, 2006
  17. Zappa scaling #s by Anthony Cozzie, CCC, August 23, 2005
  18. bad news from zappa ... by Powell, CCC, Mar 09, 2008
  19. Zach, is this true? by Gabor Szots, CCC, June 06, 2010
  20. Zappa's ICGA Tournaments
  21. Ingo Althöfer (1993). On Telescoping Linear Evaluation Functions.ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 91-94
  22. Erwin l'Ami from Wikipedia

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine 1

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